A flexible VCF times two. SF1 is a dual voltage controlled filter (VCF) module designed to be used either as a pair of identical, but separate VCFs, or as a stereo filter. 9 possible output responses are available from the 2 concurrent outputs for each filter/channel. “Link” mode is ideally suited for stereo applications and allows both filter’s cutoff, resonance, and cutoff/resonance CV to be simultaneously using the left-hand controls/inputs. The outputs are routed to a CV-controlled panner/crossfader, allowing modulation of the spacial location of each filter.
- 9 possible output responses for each filter/channel (HP, LP, and BP both 12dB/oct and 24dB/oct available from L1/R1 out & Notch, All-Pass, and Phaser available from L2/R2 out)
- Attenuverters with center detent for frequency CV ins
- Audio ins contain overdrive when turned past center
- Self-oscillation capability for using as oscillator(s)
- Voltage-controlled panning output stage which can be modulated into audio frequencies
- Width: 18hp
- Depth: 25mm
- Power: +120mA / -120mA