Module A-161 is an eight-step Clock Sequencer which is internally connected to the Clock Divider (A-160). Eight outputs are sequentially switched by the clock signals from the A-160 (see Fig. 1) and can act, for instance, as sequential rhythmic triggers for an envelope. The reset on the A-160 also works on the A-161 (instant return to Step 1). The low/high levels of the output signals are 0V and about +10V. In combination with a mixer (A-138) short analog sequences can be generated.
The A161 draws its current via the A160 module, which MUST be fitted directly to the left of the A161. The A161 CANNOT function without the A160.
Width: 4hp
Depth: 40mm
Power: +20mA, -0mA
Manufacturer product page here.
Product manual here.