The Buchla and Tiptop Audio 242t Programmable Pulser is a reissue of the time-event-based generator from the 1970s 200 series. At its center is the Pulser, a voltage-controlled clock oscillator with a wide frequency range, extending up to audio frequencies, numerous outputs, and start/stop controls.
The Pulser drives a programmable matrix with three rows of up to 12 stages: (A), (B), and (C). Stages are activated using the X/Y coordinate controls, and the total number of stages can be set using the (n) row. Clock and Reset inputs allow the 242t to sync with other devices, while the Reset input can also be used to control the number of stages with external pulses.
- Width: 16hp
- Depth: 45mm
- Power: +12V 130mA / -12V 19mA